Brent Paton
Brent was bow hunting in Greene
county Illinois when he arrowed this nice Doe.
The doe weighed 160 lbs. thanks for the pic  Brent.
Jean Pace
On Nov. 14 at 515 PM, Jean
shot her first white-tail buck an
eight point that weighed 176 pounds.
Not bad for her first buck. Congratulation
on your hunt Jean! Thanks for the picture.
When I asked Jean to tell her story, this is what she wrote.
On Nov. 14 @ 5:15 PM , or " Happy Hour " as I call it,
I shot an 8 point buck in McCormick County SC
It was my first year to hunt. Always being left behind by
my husband, he convinced me to go with him this year
and hunt. I had only fired a gun 3 times prior to this and
was always " chicken" to pull the trigger. But on my tenth
try this season I wasn't expecting to see anything, but @
5:15  there he was. As I saw him for the first time. He looked
straight up at me and I froze, remembering what my husband
told me to do in this situation, as soon as the deer went back
to eating in the food plot. I took that 30-0-6, pushed the safety off,
got him in the cross hairs and didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
that was it. It tore my nerves completely up. I was shaking and hyper-
ventilating at the same time. It was truly an awesome feeling
when it was over.


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